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Shiner Law Group

Fort Lauderdale

Shiner Law Group: Fort Lauderdale Personal Injury Lawyers
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Physical Address 1041 W Commercial Blvd
STE 205
Fort Lauderdale
Phone 561-291-9824

Business/Community Description

Shiner Law Group: Your Trusted Advocate in Personal Injury Cases

At Shiner Law Group, we understand the profound impact that personal injuries can have on individuals and their families. Led by the experienced and compassionate David Shiner, our firm is dedicated to providing exceptional legal representation to those who have suffered due to the negligence of others. Our commitment to justice and client-focused approach sets us apart as a leading personal injury law firm.

Our Practice Areas:

Car Accidents: Navigating the aftermath of a car accident can be overwhelming. Our skilled attorneys are adept at handling the complexities of car accident cases, ensuring that our clients receive the compensation they deserve for their injuries and losses.

Motorcycle Accidents: Recognizing the unique challenges faced by motorcyclists, we offer specialized legal support to victims of motorcycle accidents. Our team works tirelessly to address the often severe consequences of these accidents and fights for the rights of injured motorcyclists.

Truck Accidents: Truck accidents often result in significant damages and complex legal battles. Our firm possesses the expertise to take on these challenging cases, dealing with large trucking companies and their insurers to secure fair settlements for our clients.

Slip and Fall Accidents: Slip and fall accidents can occur anywhere and often lead to serious injuries. We are committed to holding property owners accountable for negligence, helping our clients recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Wrongful Death: In the tragic event of a wrongful death, Shiner Law Group provides compassionate and determined legal representation. We strive to bring some measure of comfort to families by seeking justice for their loved ones and securing financial support for their future.

Our Approach:

Under the leadership of David Shiner, Shiner Law Group prioritizes personalized attention for each client. We understand that every case is unique, and we tailor our strategies to meet the specific needs and objectives of our clients. Our team is not only skilled in negotiation and litigation but also deeply empathetic, recognizing the emotional and physical toll of personal injuries.


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