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Latched & Bloom Postnatal & Pediatric Wellness Centre


Latched & Bloom Postnatal & Pediatric Wellness Centre - Whitby, ON, Canada
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Physical Address 701 Rossland Rd E #637
L1N 9K3
Phone (289) 278-9666

Business/Community Description

Latched & Bloom Postnatal & Pediatric Wellness Centre, located in Whitby, Ontario, is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to new mothers and their infants throughout the Durham Region and the Greater Toronto Area. As a comprehensive facility specializing in both postnatal and pediatric wellness, we offer a range of services tailored to meet the unique needs of families during this critical period of life.
Our centre is renowned for its post-discharge newborn assessments, ensuring that each infant receives the highest level of care after leaving the hospital. These assessments are crucial for early detection of potential health issues and setting the stage for healthy development. Additionally, we offer specialized services in medical ear piercing and Blomdahl ear piercing, a safer alternative with hypoallergenic and child-friendly earrings designed to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and ensure a comfortable experience for your child.
Breastfeeding support is a cornerstone of our services at Latched & Bloom. Our expert lactation consultants are available to provide one-on-one sessions to address common breastfeeding challenges. Whether it’s issues with latching, milk supply, or any other concerns, our specialists are here to assist you with knowledge and empathy. Our breastfeeding clinic is equipped to offer a nurturing environment where mothers can learn and practice under the guidance of certified lactation specialists.
In addition to physical health services, Latched & Bloom places a strong emphasis on maternal mental health and psychotherapy. We understand that the postpartum period can be challenging for many mothers, and our goal is to provide the necessary support to help them navigate these changes. Our mental health professionals specialize in dealing with issues such as postpartum depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders, offering both therapy and support groups to help mothers thrive emotionally.
At Latched & Bloom, we are committed to creating a welcoming and supportive environment for all families. Our staff is passionate about making a difference in the lives of the families we serve, striving to provide compassionate and comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of postnatal and pediatric health.
We invite you to visit Latched & Bloom Postnatal & Pediatric Wellness Centre, where you can be confident that you and your child will receive the best possible care in a warm and caring setting.


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