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.APA Specialties LLC

New Mexico

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Physical Address 1823 Commercial St NE
New Mexico
Phone (505) 224-9833

Business/Community Description

APA Specialties, LLC has been providing and installing toilet partitions and accessories, as well as other building specialty products, across New Mexico. brbrWe are locally owned and serve the entire state of New Mexico. Our extensive inventory of products allows us to fill most orders immediately. And what we don't have in stock, we can get quickly from our responsive, preferred manufacturers.brbrLet our knowledgeable and helpful staff assist you with the following Division 10 products on your next project:brbrli Access panelsbrli Baby changing stationsbrli Corner guardsbrli Cubicle track and curtainsbrli Fire extinguishersbrli Fire extinguisher cabinetsbrli Grab barsbrli Hand dryersbrli Lockersbrli Mirrorsbrli Roof hatchesbrli Toilet accessoriesbrli Toilet partitionsbrli and morebrbrCall us today


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