The FREE Package
Promote your business or community online and increase your online presence
Your very own Corporate or Community web page with Google Location Map - Full Address - Detailed Company or Community Information - Contact email - link to your own Website - One main Image
Concise business overview - a meaningful description of your business in 500 characters. This is what attracts the search engines, so make it count!
Encourage your customers to post their feedback about your products or service - valuable free advertising that will work in your favor!
The PREMIUM Package
Give your business a massive boost with a unique corporate identity, photos and news
Add your corporate logo to your web page. Don't underestimate the power of a logo (CocaCola and McDonalds didn't - and look where it too them!)
Use our "Business News" service to get your message out. This is great for advertising Special Offers or upcoming new products or releases.
Upload up to 8 images. Don't forget the ad man's mantra, "Pictures speak louder than words" and they most certainly will with visitors to your page.
Add links to other sites like your Corporate website, your Facebook or Twitter pages, or even to subsidiaries or associated communities.
Upload PDF files or ZIP files like catalogues, menus etc., for immediate customer download. This is a really powerful tool to supply "instant gratification" to your site visitors.
Determine your own keywords to dramatically improve your search engine results at Google, Yahoo, Bing etc. The better your results, the more people will find out about you.
Respond you your business reviews and interact with your clients. Only a Premium Account allows you the respond to reviews with a "thank you" or whatever is appropriate.
Be found by more people... Your business will be listed in up to FIVE categories of your choice because visitors almost alwys search by category rather than by name.
Top Placings for Your Business
Create an ultra-high visibility in your chosen category - attract more prospective customers
Top placement in our search engine results means that you appear right at the top when a user is looking for businesses or communities within your chosen category.
Premium advertisement placement on your competitors' pages! Yes - you got that right... at no extra cost, we will place YOUR ad on your competitors' listings!
On the other hand, absolutely NO competitors' ads of any kind will be displayed on your page. That's what you call a win-win situation for you!